Friday, March 29, 2013

Chinese Brush Paintings by Ellen Ko

                On March 25th, 2013 I made a trip to the Crafts Center on NC State’s campus with a friend of mine to look at the painting on display there by Ellen Ma-Lin Ko. Ellen Ko is local artist and Crafts Center instructor who has much practice in the art of traditional Chinese brush painting. From a young age she was taught by two well-known artists in Taiwan whose names are Lin Shen-Jean and Shao Yu-Huan. After graduating from the World College of Journalism in Taiwan, she continued to actively practice painting. Her work has been shown in many local arts shows in the Raleigh area as well as in Atlanta.

                  By completing these paintings Ms. Ko is keeping a tradition alive. This style of art has been around for thousands of years and generally incorporates natural scenes. Two of the most commons, and those used by Ellen Ko herself, are landscapes and flower and bird paintings. Different types of brushes are used throughout the painting and these brushes are held in a particular way to achieve a certain brush stroke. The colors used in the paintings depend on what season the painting is supposed to be in and the subjects in the composition. There are also lines of poetry and seals on the paintings to help invoke a deeper sense of understanding in the painting which Ms. Ko also does.
                Art is important and holds meaning around the world. Paintings can transcend borders, cultures, and people as language is not required in order to enjoy it or critique it. Although there is Chinese written on these paintings, as mentioned, one can still view the painting and form their own opinion. This exhibit has global significance for this very reason. The exhibit exposes all who see it to a different form of traditional painting from a culture they may not be familiar with. They are thus able to experience first-hand art that does not have roots in this country and are able to form opinions about it after being “up close and personal”.
                I quite enjoyed the exhibit. Art is a beautiful thing that comes in many different forms and this particular form speaks to me. It looks beautiful without it having a large amount of detail. It is free flowing and seems to match the theme of nature that the art form is attempting to convey. While all of the paintings were lovely I have to say that my favorite two were titles Birds on a branch and Birds with autumn leaves. This is just personal preference as I love the way in which the small birds are painted. They both put a smile on my face and make me happy. 

               My friend Jordan, who attended the exhibit with me, agreed with me on his favorite two paintings. “I thought the exhibit was quite impressive. The brush paintings, particularly those of the small birds, had nice qualities that I enjoyed.”
                I hope to attend more exhibits and events at the crafts center in the future, as this was my first experience and I enjoyed it greatly. The staff was quite lovely and polite as well. If you are in the area I would encourage you to visit this exhibit.